The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cittaviveka
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2021-07-31 Skilful Signs Skilful Absorption 39:07
Ajahn Sucitto
By its nature, mind is absorptive. In skilful cultivation we steer that towards internal qualities of contentment, unity, release. This is how we are gladdened – the nervous system steadies and cools, body gets happy, mind composes itself, then you begin to see things clearly – what’s causing the distortions, stress and struggle, and you stop doing it, stop throwing your heart away to your obsessions. Settle into the goodness, drink it in. Wisdom arises from here.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-30 A Breath of Kindness to the Kammic Field 41:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Kamma is a feedback loop of actions and results, out of which comes the experience of ‘me’. We use meditation to step out of the scenarios, recognize the process and change the patterns. Once you see it, you get the meaning – ‘a suffering being’– and the response is sympathy. Use the energy of breathing to calm and clear afflictive states, replacing them with healing.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-29 Upright Mind, Upright Body 46:18
Ajahn Sucitto
Bring attention to where body and mind come together in the upright. Upright is not just anatomical, but energetic – where you feel balanced, poised, wakeful. Relax the stress in body and mind with the calming effects of breathing. As mental and bodily energies gather and steady around the center, citta can rest here, and begin to experience its collectedness.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-28 Forgiveness and Gratitude 40:39
Ajahn Sucitto
Suffering tends to isolate us into a small tight heap forming around a particular topic. In this narrow field we lose access to gladness, self-acceptance, and forgiveness. Breathing through the agitating energies, feel them as just that – it’s not personal, we can rise above. Willing to touch what’s difficult with gladness, we can meet the failing world without getting upset.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-24 Asalha Puja – The Middle Way of Practice 50:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The Buddha teaches the middle way between the extremes. This quality of balance extends from right view, the recognition that actions extend beyond oneself – into the world around, to other people; it sets up what develops next for oneself. It matters which way the mind dips. Stay upright in that center that deepens into samādhi and wisdom, extending goodwill and clarity across whatever we contact and touch.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka 2021 Rains Retreat - Opening Group Practice

2021-07-22 Guided Meditation - Right View Supports Right Mindfulness 50:40
Ajahn Sucitto
When mindfulness is based on right view, there is understanding of skillful and unskillful mind-states and the effects they give rise to. Otherwise mindfulness is merely attention. Right mindfulness, established firmly in the body, has the quality of steadiness and stillness, witnessing and non-involvement with phenomena. Mindfulness is about returning to body and breathing – ground, space, center.

2021-07-15 Closing Remarks 12:14
Ajahn Sucitto, Willa Thaniya Reid
Parting words and expressions of gratitude from the teachers. “These are opportunities in this human realm to experience letting go, gratitude, compassion, gladness, equanimity.”
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-15 Living from Dhamma 19:17
Willa Thaniya Reid
How do we meet the past, the difficulties? How do we maintain hearts of love through dreadful things? If we let ourselves come into contraction then we’re not capable of the love that’s needed in the next moment. So we stay in empathetic connection to things, keeping a sense of forgiveness, understanding and kamma – cause and effect. This is our training, these acts of love.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-15 Ripening the heart with friendship 29:04
Willa Thaniya Reid
When the heart’s deliverance is not yet ripe, a good friend is recommended. One who keeps me aligned to what’s precious, who’s respectful and shows care and connection. We seek this externally, and also internally, being a good friend to oneself – not harsh, not critical, staying connected with what is loving, kind, upright and generous. We take it as a protection wherever we go.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

2021-07-15 The place of joy 24:58
Willa Thaniya Reid
A mind that is capable of delight and appreciation is needed for waking up. But how capable are we of that? It’s something to train in, a practice in balance, of finding the middle way. Let the tenderness and appreciation we have for beings be for our own being, our own awakening consciousness. Take in the kindness people show us and come out of the sense of alienation. Let this cultivation bring joy and gladness to the heart.
Cittaviveka Love as the Breath of Life - an online retreat with Ajahn Sucitto and Willa Thāniyā Reid

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