The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cittaviveka
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1995-08-26 Kammatthana 63:34
Ajahn Sucitto

1995-07-11 Views And Commitment 61:07
Ajahn Sucitto

1992-12-25 Merit of Meditation 65:46
Ajahn Sucitto
An archived talk recently edited for DharmaSeed. Day of talk is approximate.

1991-01-15 What Lies beyond Our Control 40:20
Ajahn Sucitto
[This teaching was given while on pilgrimage in India during a retreat in Bodh Gaya. Link for more on this pilgrimage: ] Sometimes we choose a ‘no control’ situation like retreat or pilgrimage for training. Devotion and acts of honoring open receptivity and change our way of seeing. The demanding grasping mind stops, and we begin to experience a proper relationship to experience, one of no conflict. We learn to humbly accept the unsatisfactory quality of life. This is the heart of surrender, to live in accordance with truth, and to trust the truth of our life as it is.

1983-01-27 Precepts, meditation, chanting 34:05
Ajahn Sucitto

1981-03-24 Making peace with despair 1:32:23
Ajahn Sucitto

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