The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cittaviveka
     1 2 3 4 ... 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ... 101 102 103 104
2006-06-17 Glorious Failure 57:54
Ajahn Sucitto
Over time we experience of the limitations of body and mind. What we rely on doesn’t actually work. Life is a failure, but we can make it a glorious failure. The practice of Dhamma-Vinaya helps keep the spirit bright and impeccable in what we do. Dhamma means to establish ethical clarity, mindfulness, lovingkindness; Vinaya is bringing these ideals and aspirations forth into a living context.

2006-06-03 Process of Release 58:23
Ajahn Sucitto

2006-05-14 Fame, Ignomy, and the Sense of Confidence (Vesakha Celebration) 1:16:40
Ajahn Sucitto

2006-05-06 Rewiring the Energetic System 59:16
Ajahn Sucitto
Our energy systems can often feel burnt-out, depleting our vitality and potential. Attempts to re-energize can end up continually infecting us. Rewire the energetic lines through brahmavihara and samadhi cultivation. These culminate in awakening factors, and ultimately in awakening. A video version is here:

2006-04-22 Opening, Suffusing, Releasing 61:06
Ajahn Sucitto
A lot of suffering is related to a particular mode of doing, an involuntary overwhelming doing. Through mediation we cultivate a different way. By shifting the mind to presence, mind opens to a subtler aspect of doing on the feeling, subjective level – suffusing. We come out of the grip of how we usually attend. This is release.

2006-04-15 Cultivating Conscience and Concern 61:27
Ajahn Sucitto

2006-04-01 Don't Count the Bricks 1:12:28
Ajahn Sucitto

2005-12-31 Talk On New Year's Eve 43:58
Ajahn Sucitto

2005-04-27 Signs To Annul Negativity 55:11
Ajahn Sucitto

2005-04-16 Farewell Talk 2 59:24
Ajahn Sucitto

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