The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cittaviveka
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2021-03-17 Guided Meditation – Filtering the Flood 52:55
Ajahn Sucitto
In meditation we practice viewing the stream of circumstance from the place of acknowledgement. Let the stream flow past without getting into the details. Centering practices of body, presence, ethics and heart strengthen the possibility to shift attention from the outflows to here.

2021-03-13 Desperately Seeking Non-desperation 56:31
Ajahn Sucitto
The tendency to keep running out into concepts eventually results in overload, insecurity, anxiety, collapse. We’re desperately looking for sanity. The steadiness and fulfillment we seek is already here, in the non-conceptual intelligence of body and heart. Rather than going out, return to where body, mind and heart energy come together. In this presence our real home appears.

2021-03-03 Guided Meditation – Whole Body Awareness 54:38
Ajahn Sucitto
We may assume, and learn, that meditation is about focusing on details, but the Buddha advocates whole body awareness. Make an exercise of it, extending your awareness. Maintaining attention on the whole body doesn’t allow the mind to fixate – it stays open so the tangles and storms have no place to take hold. Posture, breathing and a receptive mind state all act as supports.

2021-01-28 Dhammavicaya - Head and Heart 47:39
Ajahn Sucitto
There is fundamental puñña – value – in just being human. But citta doesn’t know its value, it gets lost in dreams, worries, passions, opinions. Collect oneself where body, thought and heart come together and investigate – where does the suffering end, where does fulfillment come from? Return to the place of innate value, stability, composure and clarity.

2021-01-21 Freshen Up through Integrity and Resolution 47:44
Ajahn Sucitto
Being affected by hindrances is a natural hurdle in Dhamma practice. Meet them by cultivating and suffusing wholesome heart qualities through the body. Application of integrity and resolution as we practice encourages citta to grow up and learn from the difficulties.

2021-01-16 Ācariya Puja – Aim Your Intentions High 60:08
Ajahn Sucitto
In Ajahn Chah, we commemorate and honor what’s possible in a human form. A seemingly ordinary person who applied all he had for noble purposes, training in what was difficult and cultivating pāramī. With this comes the severing of the outflows and the liberation of heart, a practice that many people can cultivate while engaging in life.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-01-12 Untangling the Heart through Equanimity 44:34
Ajahn Sucitto
Place attention on themes that hold the mind and heart steady, using body to anchor the tangle of reactivity. Heart (citta) can then step back from phenomena and return to its own center that is knowing, equanimous, open. Investigation and handling of the somatic and emotional effects, rather than the topics, lead out of the tangle.
Cittaviveka Awakening Through Heart, Cittaviveka Winter Retreat 2021

2021-01-11 Of Donkeys and Riptides 50:32
Ajahn Sucitto
When citta is collected in itself, it can begin to review the aspects of its experience that overwhelm and bind it, aspects not sensed or felt before. Train attention to go lightly, slow down, and open awareness to these unknown places. Fortify the citta with the rich energy of goodwill and recollections that warm the heart.
Cittaviveka Awakening Through Heart, Cittaviveka Winter Retreat 2021

2021-01-10 Opening out of Reactivity 50:36
Ajahn Sucitto
We are encouraged to investigate the region of feeling, perception and reaction. By creating space before the reactivity, citta has the choice to go down the same path of agitation or settle back into itself. Develop citta’s capacity for this through seasoning the heart to be contented in itself.
Cittaviveka Awakening Through Heart, Cittaviveka Winter Retreat 2021

2021-01-09 The Real World Begins in the Heart 44:01
Ajahn Sucitto
When we step back from the sense fields, citta can become steadied on itself. Clear meaning can come from this place of rest and ease. Then we can steer through input of the sense sphere, discern the meanings, and notice the effects in the heart and body. This is practice.
Cittaviveka Awakening Through Heart, Cittaviveka Winter Retreat 2021

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