The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks at Cittaviveka
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2022-02-01 The Tiger’s Challenge: Impeccability and Aspiration 48:52
The one thing we can train in and recollect is that we can aspire. No other creature aspires. We are born with desire, and if we don’t use it for aspiration it leaks out into sensuality and thinking. Then the mind loses its alertness. One of the most fundamental things we aspire to is a different alignment. Finding a place to stand which is true, empowering, dignified, blameless – a refuge. This is how you stand apart from the worldly currents, and live in the quality of good intent.
2022-01-25 Sound 4 Puja 38:49
Honouring and offering creates the atmosphere; recalling the purpose of the event/ the moment; using the significance of the location and time; cultivating aspiration
Cittaviveka Ajahn Sucitto Chanting Collection - Pali Sounds and Chanting Guidance
2022-01-24 Sound 3 Review and Practice 33:43
Noticing and reclaiming Pali phoneme differences from English and Thai; the effect of English and Thai language particularities; rhythm and consonant length
Cittaviveka Ajahn Sucitto Chanting Collection - Pali Sounds and Chanting Guidance
2022-01-23 Sound 2 Consonants 42:17
Mouth closure sounds that terminate a vowel
Cittaviveka Ajahn Sucitto Chanting Collection - Pali Sounds and Chanting Guidance
2022-01-22 Sound 1 Breath and Vowels 36:24
Outline of an approach to chanting as a practice; vowels
Cittaviveka Ajahn Sucitto Chanting Collection - Pali Sounds and Chanting Guidance
2022-01-16 Q&A 54:26
00:53 Please explain the idea of the pāramī; 04:59 Letting go of thinking/expectation; 07:44 Using the sound of silence in practice; 15:58 How Qigong connects to practice; 24:47 Tension in tongue and jaw; 25:03 Remaining “upright and joyful”; 29:23 Family does not agree with my practice; 34:13 Dealing with pain; 38:10 Experience of a deep horrific fear; 43:45 Out of body experiences while meditating; 45:19 Relationship between release of somatic knots and releasing the citta; 48:55 Regrets and resentment; 50:13 Can you speak about the āsava? 53:37 Difference between peace, serenity and tranquility? Pīti and sukha?
2022-01-12 Liberation Is a Careful, Everyday, Process 37:02
Of all the things to be sensitive about, the most urgent and important, is to know how you’re activated and to calm the citta saṇkhāra. We get morphed by what we plug into, so unplug and let go of the unskillful, and plug into what’s necessary for calming and steadying. It takes time for citta to get it. Keep making an effort with friendliness, aligning everything in our lives to support this present awareness.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice
2022-01-11 Wisdom - The Intelligence that Leads to Stillness 40:07
The cultivation of wisdom is not just a matter of intellectually knowing something, it’s a practice of handling, and staying in touch with what’s felt. Steadying citta so it can come out of its fixed gripped state, there’s a turning towards dispassion and right response. Stay in touch with the process, do the process and see where it goes – that’s how you learn.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice
2022-01-10 Cracking the Shell Is Pleasant 39:29
The process of cultivation is a pleasant one of cleaning away the dross and delusions that cause us suffering and stress. Drop by drop the bucket fills up with skillful actions and overflows into something more deep, steady, reliable. Be a stable presence rather than search for it, ‘out there’ – gradually the chaos will begin to still. There’s a process there, and the result is purification.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice
2022-01-09 Careful Attention: Food for Awakening 41:52
With careful attention we pick up those qualities within experience that are most supportive for liberation. It means we notice how things affect us and the results that follow. Mindfulness of body gives you something to rest in as you breathe through the rocky areas of heart and mind. Citta comes out of its restricted state and there’s a widening, stepping back, letting go.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice

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