The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks at Cittaviveka
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2023-10-23 The temple of release 49:10
We use retreat to learn how to soften and loosen the worldly ways of stimulation and action, and to enter the space and silence of our temple.
Cittaviveka Replenish and release: servicing the heart
2023-10-22 GM - Replenishing energy and resetting attitude 63:32
Teachings from the last week of the vassa. Description pending.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-10-22 Faith, the unconditioned and the way past grasping 49:31
Finding a place to begin can’t come from history. Intuitive faith / saddha is useful to distinguish the mundane from the place where truth, the unconditioned, can be revealed.
Cittaviveka Replenish and release: servicing the heart
2023-10-11 Coming to the end 50:50
A Dhamma session is special, a form that is unlike the form in which most people live. But as we return to the helter-skelter of city life, it offers certain things to bear in mind.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-09-16 Cultivation is a Heart Process 51:28
Establishing, reflecting on and enjoying the fruits of cultivation is an ongoing heart process.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-08-09 The Domain of Release – the Deathless is now 58:05
The aim of cultivation is the release from the stress, craving, and fear that sense consciousness creates.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-08-08 Wisdom opens dukkha 37:21
Wisdom is a liberator that is supported by the sense of a stable center that develops with samadhi.
Cittaviveka 2023 CBM Vassa Talks - Week 1
2023-08-07 Finding one's centre – view, virtue, mindfulness, concentration 54:12
Retreat is a renunciant experience recommended by the Buddha. Through this we can clarify and collect our centre.
Cittaviveka 2023 CBM Vassa Talks - Week 1
2023-08-06 Intentions that span the cosmos 55:39
Our ability to contemplate provides enormous potential to get perspective on the changingness of the forms that characterise experience.
Cittaviveka 2023 CBM Vassa Talks - Week 1
2023-08-05 View from the Heart brings Right Purpose 51:22
The faith that there IS a way out is an important component of our practice, leading to a directly known heart-realization of the truth of the constant flux of experience.
Cittaviveka 2023 CBM Vassa Talks - Week 1

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